Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here is the BJ Smith Christmas story created by the all Smith students:


Ms. West’s Class: One frosty night four kids were fast asleep dreaming about Santa coming to their house.  Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the chimney, and when they looked they Santa stuck.

Ms. Price’s Class: The girls, Morgan and Anika, went to Santa and pulled on his feet, but his boots came off.  They kept pulling and his socks fell into the ashes.  The boys, Dylan and Kaden, went to their parents and said,

Ms. Ortiz’s Class: “Help, Help, Santa is stuck!  He’s lost his socks and shoes!  We don’t know what to do.

Ms. Bendorf’ s Class: The parents jumped out of bed and said, “Let’s get some pizza!”  Even though they were hungry, the children said, “There is no time for pizza, we have to help Santa!”  Kaden yelled, “I know how to save Santa!  If we pour oil down the chimney, Santa will be able to slide out.”  Everyone thought this was a great idea.  The kids ran to the kitchen to get the oil, and the dad went to get a ladder to climb to the chimney.  They brought everything outside and the dad began to climb the ladder.  He soon realized the ladder was not tall enough.

Ms. Holt’s Class:  So he goes to the store to buy a taller ladder.  When he arrives at Home Depot, he sees Rudolph and Comet playing tag.   He goes over to tell them about Santa when. . .

Ms. Stroud’s Class:  He is scared by the reindeer which makes him trip over the lawn mowers and forget why he came to Home Depot.  Rudolph and Comet run to his side but don’t know what to do. . .

Mr. Cruthird’s Class:  As the reindeer yell help, Office Levingston showed up with her new partner, Elmo.  Elmo jumps into action.  He pulls out his Angry Birds water balloons . . .

Ms. Murphy’s Class:  and shoots them into the air.  They hit the stack of ladders, and one fall on Dad’s head.  His memory comes back, and he remembers he needs a ladder to help Santa.  The Angry Birds came to life and shot the ladder to the house, but . . .

Ms. Willis’ Class:  the black bird was attached to the ladder.  The ladder soared through the sky picking up speed every second.  All of a sudden . . .

Ms. Mitchell’s Class:  The ladder fell off the black bird right into the backyard where Santa is stuck in the chimney.  The kids carefully climbed up to the roof to help Santa.
Ms. Varuguese’s Class:  They yell down to Santa, “Get ready, we’re about to pour the oil.  On the count of 3, breathe in deeply.  1 – 2 - 3.”  The kids start pouring it out.  They turn to go back down the ladder to see if it worked, but . . .

Ms. Rich’s Class:  before they could make it down the ladder, they heard a loud crash.  They ran into the house to find that the oil had worked.  The problem was that Santa was laying on the floor and he was knocked out.  Dylan ran to get the first aid kit while the others manage to wake Santa up.  “Santa, are you okay?” asked Morgan.  “Santa? Who are you calling Santa?” replied Santa.  “OH NO!” screamed Anika, “Santa’s lost his memory.  There is only one thing we can do.  We have to . . . .

Ms. York’s Class:  tell Santa the truth and tell him what we did.  Thirty minutes later Santa soon remembered what happened and then he got angry with Anika and Morgan and said . .

Ms. Black’s Class:  “I can’t believe you let me fall on my head!  Oh, I’m sorry, I’m not feeling like myself.  Thank you for helping me.  We must hurry.  We have to . . .

Ms. Smith’s Class:  get to the sleigh!”  Santa jumped up and looked at the clock.  “Oh my gosh!” he cried.  “I’ve been stuck in that chimney for half the night!  How will I ever be able to give presents to all the good boys and girls in time?”  Then Morgan had an idea.

Ms. Curt’s Class:  “Santa!”, said Morgan.  “How many elves do you have?”  Santa thought for a minute and then replied, “one hundred and one”.  “Well, you have heard of Angry Birds.  What about Angry Elves?” asked Morgan.

Ms. Kubecka’s Class:  Oooooh . . . I have an idea . . .  let’s call Steve and Arthur and see if they’ll bring the elves in the S1.  We can use the S1 to deliver all the gifts in a flash!  You know with those angry elves working, it only takes 1.4 seconds per house to drop off a gift.  And besides, we have to get Gwen’s bike to her before Christmas morning,” Morgan replied.

Dr. Culmo’s Class:  After a quick call to Steve and Arthur, the elves all jumped into the S1.  However, the elves were angry elves, and they began to fight with each other.  Arthur whistled to get the elves’ attention.  “Listen up, elves!”

Ms. Wingard’s Class:  “We need to work together because Santa got delayed. We have a nine ‘O hundred in our hands”.   The angry elves looked at each other in confusion.  Then Twinkle yelled “What’s a nine ‘O hundred?”  “It means Santa got stuck in the chimney.  Now hurry we should have been in Hong Kong 30 minutes ago!” Arthur yelled.

Mr. Cota’s Class:  So the elves got together to find a way to get “Santa” out of the chimney.  They lit a fire to heat things up a bit and soon “Santa” came shooting out of the fire with a cloud of smoke bouncing around on his bottom and landed right in a pile of snow.  “Whew, that was “hot”,  Santa cried.  “Now, let’s get going.  On Dasher, on Prancer, on Dancer and Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen” with Rudolph leading the way to “Hong Kong . . .
Ms. Shoemake’s Class:  All of a sudden, Dasher starts dashing head first into the snow, Prancer started prancing in a circle to get his tail.  Dancer started dancing around. Vixen starts going to sleep.  Cupid starts shooting arrows!  Donner and Blitzen start playing flying tag.  Rudolf gets distracted by his nose and goes the wrong way.  Then Santa says . . . .

Ms. King’s Class:  “I think we need a map to get back on track!”  He then pulls out his Iphone to pull up a map.

Ms. Carter’s Class:  Santa realizes he does not have a map app on his phone.  He quickly goes to the app store to upload a map.  To Santa’s dismay, his credit card was expired.  He calls Mrs. Claus to tell her about his dilemma.  Mrs. Claus is angry at first,  but she begins to think of all the children that might not get presents this year.  Mrs. Claus decides to teach Santa a lesson.  She refuses to give Santa her credit card number.  Mrs. Claus explains to Santa, “I will take care of this myself!”  Santa hangs up the phone with a confused look on his face.  He gathers up the reindeer to tell them what Mrs. Claus had said.  As he is talking, they hear “Jingle Bell Rock” coming from above.  They look to the sky just in time to see the back of Mrs. Claus’ hot pink sleigh.  As she rides out of sight, they can barely read the sign on the back . . .Next stop - HONG KONG.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We are well under way with our Science Air and Weather Unit!

Here is a link to the Weather Channel Kids Weather Encyclopedia

Weather Encyclopedia

Here is a video about the atmosphere -