Let's Get Personal

April 30, 2012

Dear Parents,

   This week in class we will be studying plants and plant life cycles.  Part of our homework this week will include bringing different samples of leaves to the classroom.  Please try to help your child bring at least 10 different leaf samples that include differing characteristics like: size, shape, color, and texture.  The students will use them on Friday.
   Over the weekend we had a new roof installed due to the tornado a few weeks ago.  Our neighborhood was not directly hit, but it was about two miles from our house and we received baseball size hail. I’m glad that chore is over with!
   I will have a sub Friday because I will be going to Syracuse, New York to attend my cousin’s wedding in Cazenovia.  It’s been 3+ years since we’ve seen our cousins (when my mom passed away).  My sister and I are looking forward to the trip!
   Have a super week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

April 23, 2012

Dear Parents,

   This week we have STAAR testing Tuesday through Thursday.  I will be giving the test on Wednesday so I will have a sub in my classroom that day.  Please talk to your children and support us by reminding them we need to have very quiet hallways so the students who are testing will not be disturbed and they can do their very best work.
  I had an extremely busy weekend, including a few surprises, and therefore I do not have the graded papers ready to go home today. I will be sending them home on Tuesday this week.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.
   We expect to be sending home more field trip information as well as sack lunch counts for field trip day, play day, and the last day of school in the very near future.
   Have a great week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

April 16, 2012

Dear Parents,

   This week the students will be taking one of the end-of-year reading assessments on iStation.  They are familiar with this program.  I will also have a sub in my classroom on Thursday due to some meetings I must attend off campus.
  Saturday afternoon my sister and I went to the World Market store at Firewheel Mall.  This was my first time in their store. My favorite section was the baking area.  I found some silicone baking molds to use when making cupcakes.  I’m sure I will be using them in the next few days.  Saturday evening I attended the Mesquite Education Foundation Gala at the Rodeo Center.  Collin Raye and Sara Evans performed at the event.  They both were fabulous!
   Have a super week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

April 9, 2012

Dear Parents,

   I had a FABULOUS holiday on Friday.  It was my sister’s birthday and she wanted to watch the Ranger game at a restaurant with her friends in McKinney.  So we spent most of the day sitting in the sunshine of the restaurant’s patio, enjoying the game, eating great food, and having fun with friends.  I’m so glad she enjoyed her birthday.

   Saturday evening we went to dinner with my brother and his family at Carino’s in Rockwall.  I was extremely sad to learn the Mesquite location closed on April 2nd.  However I’m looking forward to Buca de Beppo opening this summer at Town East Mall.  Now I won’t have to drive all the way over by North Park Mall to enjoy their stuffed shells (my favorite)!
   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

April 2, 2012

Dear Parents,

   Thank you to the families who have donated items from my classroom wish list.  We have plenty of mulberry leaves for the time being and we are thrilled to have several sources for our silkworms.  Hopefully we will be able to see the entire life cycle of silkworms before the school year ends.  Due to the holiday on Friday we will be taking our spelling test this week on Thursday.  Students may do this online from home anytime.  Every student has specific assignments as well as the test to complete online at SpellingCity.com.

   I experienced my first Geocache hunt on Saturday with my sister and some of our friends.  We only looked for easy level caches, but one proved to be a little difficult.  It was well hidden.

   Have a fabulous week and Easter weekend!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

March 26, 2012

Dear Parents,

   We began our insect investigations in the classroom a week earlier than we expected.  Last week we received the mealworms and we expect different insects this week.  The students really enjoy working with the live creatures.  Most of my students took their spelling test online this week.  I received a grant from the Mesquite Education Foundation to upgrade the Spelling City program for my class – YAY!  Please take a look at my Classroom Wish List below.  If you can help out by donating any of these items it would be greatly appreciated.  I will have a sub in my classroom on Wednesday so that I can administer the STAAR test for a small group of students.

   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

March 19, 2012

Dear Parents,

   I had a FABULOUS Spring Break!  I stayed busy so it went by very quickly.  The first Saturday of the break I helped Historic Mesquite kick-off our Mesquite Geocache Challenge. It’s been fun to look at what the geocache hunters have been saying online about the cache locations.  This challenge will end in August on National Geocache Day.

   I also did a lot of spring cleaning and made some clothing and household item donations to local organizations. I’m looking forward to getting back to school and to starting our insect unit for science next week.  Be prepared for your child to bring home one or two insects.  This will be FUN!

   Have a fantastic week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

March 12-16
Spring Break

March 5, 2012

Dear Parents,

   Most of my Saturday was spent at the Destination Imagination Regional Tournament at Poteet High School.  The team I coached and helped prepare for the tournament did an outstanding performance in both their Central Challenge and Instant Challenge.  We had so much fun too!  For most them this was their first experience with DI and I couldn’t be prouder of all they accomplished.

  Sunday afternoon I spent a few hours at the school with the other second grade teachers decorating our hallway for College Awareness Week.  We were assigned Texas Tech University.

   Have a fabulous week and Spring Break!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

February 27, 2012

Dear Parents,

   Last week went by so quickly!  The students made choices about their topics for research writing and we have a very diverse range of research topics.  If you child asks you to help them with research on the Internet please assist them in whatever way you feel comfortable.  We will be in the information gathering part of this process through Wednesday and will spend the rest of the week writing final drafts.

   Saturday afternoon I spent four hours with my Destination Imagination team preparing for the tournament March 3rd.  I’m so proud of the team and all the hard work they have put into their challenge.  I know they will do a fabulous job!

   Have a terrific week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

February 20, 2012

Dear Parents,

  Thank you for all the sweet Valentine’s treats!  We had a nice Valentine’s Day in the classroom.  Everyone was so thankful for the cards and other treats!

   Friday evening I went to dinner with my sister and my brother and his family.  We enjoyed a nice evening together.  Sunday afternoon I spent a few hours with friends and we cooked steaks on the grill.  It almost felt like springtime.  I’m so looking forward to summer!!!  Even though we’ve had mild winter so far, I’m not really a fan of cold weather.

   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

February 13, 2012

Dear Parents,

   Just a reminder - Your child may bring Valentine cards and treats and we will distribute them at the end of the day Tuesday.  There will be no class party.  Please send treats individually wrapped or they will not be given out.  If you need a list of the students in my classroom, please visit our class web site and go to the section labeled “Classroom Updates” then scroll to the bottom of the page.

   I spent my weekend working on our class scrapbook.  I will be introducing scrapbooks to the class soon and each student will create a scrapbook.  This will be fun!

   Have a fantastic week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

February 6, 2012

Dear Parents,

   As you know Valentine’s Day is next week.  Your child may bring Valentine cards and treats and we will distribute them at the end of the day.  There will be no class party.  Please send treats individually wrapped or they will not be given out.  If you need a list of the students in my classroom, please visit our class web site and go to the section labeled “Classroom Updates” then scroll to the bottom of the page.

   Saturday and Sunday I visited my sister in Bonham / Sherman.  She is living and working there now.

   Have a fabulous week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

January 30, 2012

Dear Parents,

    I’m so excited that we are incorporating Reader’s Theatre in our lessons this week!  I know the students will enjoy it as well.  Acting is such fun!

   On Saturday afternoon I spent two hours with my Destination Imagination team preparing for the DI tournament on March 3rd.  They finally finished the storyline for their performance.  They’ve also been creating props the last few weeks and they’re really doing a fabulous job.  I’m so proud of the whole team!  

   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

January 23, 2012

Dear Parents,

    My niece and I had a fabulous weekend together!  I had my first experience of riding in the car with her while she was driving.  She only has a permit now, but she will have her license soon.  She is a cautious driver, which is great!  We also created some “quiet critters” I will be using in the classroom, thanks to Pinterest for the idea!  And we sent to see the movie “Red Tails” which was very moving.  Everyone in the theater applauded at the end of the movie.  I love historical films!
   Have a super week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

January 17, 2012

Dear Parents,

    Friday evening I spent time with my family celebrating Ashleigh’s (my niece) birthday.  She turned 16 on Friday and we went to Benihana’s as this is her birthday tradition.  She only needs a few more driving hours to get her official drivers license.  Wow! She has grown up so quickly!  She will be spending next weekend with me while her parents have a date weekend.  I’m sure she and I will spend a great deal of time in my craft room creating masterpieces.
   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

January 9, 2012

Dear Parents,

   I sent home a copy of “Ramona and Beezus” with each student on Friday.  We will read ten pages each week and discuss the book together in class every Friday.  Please feel free to read it with your child and share discussions as well.
   I had a fabulous weekend celebrating my birthday!  A few of my close girlfriends and I created some beautiful and inspirational pieces of art together.  We enjoyed some great conversation as well.  I’m looking forward to the week ahead.
   Have a great week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

November 28, 2011

Dear Parents,

   I had a fabulous Thanksgiving with my family and friends.  We had some great food and so many wonderful stories with laughter.  I spent Saturday evening with my best friend making Christmas decorations for our homes using ideas we found on Pinterest.  Ladies, if you haven’t checked out Pinterest – it is a must – so many terrific ideas!!

   Have a fantastic weekend!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

November 7, 2011

Dear Parents,

   I went to a birthday party Saturday night to celebrate a very dear friend of mine.  I had a lovely time and visited with many people I haven’t seen in a very long time.  Sunday afternoon I began working on my Christmas list.  I plan on making all my gifts this year.  We’ll see how that turns out!

   Have a terrific week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

November 1, 2011

Dear Parents,

   On Saturday I helped my sister work on her costume for a Halloween Party.  She was Alice from Alice in Wonderland and a friend of hers was the Mad Hatter.  They both looked fabulous and had a great time at the party.  I preferred to stay home and bake brownies and cookies.  I’ve been in a baking mood lately, but I’m much better at cooking than baking.

   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

October 24, 2011

Dear Parents,

   Over the weekend I spent some time with my niece.  We watched a few movies, played card games, and I let her practice driving with me since she will be getting her driver’s license in January.  She seems to be a very cautious driver – thank goodness!

   Have a terrific week and safe weekend!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

October 17, 2011

Dear Parents,

   Over the weekend I attempted to put together a bookshelf I purchased online from Target.  I don’t know why I torture myself and buy things that require assembly.  I finally had to ask my neighbor if he would give me hand.  I was so thankful for his kindness thatI made him some brownies using Paula Deen’s recipe.  If you have not tried Paula Deen’s recipe for brownies I suggest you do.  All you need is regular box of brownie mix, the cheaper the better.  Prepare the brownie mix as instructed.  Pour half of the mixture into your baking pan, then you lay three super large Hershey’s Symphony bars (toffee with almonds) on top, and finally cover with remaining brownie mixture and bake.  They are so YUMMY!

   Have a fabulous week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

October 10, 2011

Dear Parents,

   This week we will be conducting COGAT testing for grades 1st  through 5th.  Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast daily.  This test will take place over several days as it has several sections.  It is also one identifier that is used to determine qualifications for Quest.

   Over the weekend I met up with about 20 of my high school girlfriends.  We enjoyed catching up with each other and sharing our high school memories.  I spent Saturday working in my yard and painting a wooden stool to use in my classroom.  I really enjoy being creative, but it takes me a while to decide how I want the design.  Perhaps I will finish painting this stool before 2012.

   Have a wonderful week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

October 4, 2011

Dear Parents,

   Over the weekend I went to First Monday in Canton with my sister and Ms. Shoemake.  We had a successful shopping excursion and enjoyed some people watching too.  I also volunteered for a Historic Mesquite event called “Moonlight Meander” at the Mesquite Cemetery.  We gave tours of the cemetery and informed those who attended about its’ history.  We had several actors who portrayed former citizens of Mesquite and told stories about that citizens’ life history.  I was a docent during the tour and spoke about the veterans who were buried there.  We gave tours on both Saturday and Sunday evening and the weather could not have been any better.

   Have a fabulous week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 


Ms. Price

September 27, 2011

Dear Parents,

    Some of you have already returned your Report Card Conference preferences to me and you will receive your scheduled conference time today.  If you haven’t made your choices yet please do so very soon.  Report cards will be available at the scheduled conference time.
    Over the weekend I had the pleasure of seeing two of my students.  Friday evening I watched Peyton play in his baseball game and Saturday morning I saw Anika playing in her soccer game.  I’m so proud of them both.  Peyton received the game ball and Anika received a blue star for her power plays.  If your child is involved in an activity and they would like for me to attend, please send me the information and I will do my best to watch them enjoy activities outside of school.  I’m pretty sure Maleah would like me to see her at gymnastics this Saturday.
   Have a super week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

September 19, 2011

Dear Parents,

    Later this week I will be sending home Report Card Conference sign-up sheets.  When you receive this document, please complete your choices and return it to me as quickly as possible.  I will send you a confirmation of your date and time for the conference.  At this conference you will receive your child’s first report card.
    Over the weekend I had the opportunity to go to the lake and play on a Sea Doo.  It was so much fun, however slightly chilly.  Brrrr!
   Have a super week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

September 12, 2011

Dear Parents,

    Please join the PTA as soon as possible and help support the all the wonderful things they do for our school.
Friday evening and for most of Saturday I watched my niece play in a volleyball tournament in Plano.  She didn’t get to play much Friday evening, but on Saturday she had some excellent serves and assisted in scoring several points for the team.  Overall the team won 4th place out of 20 teams.  This is her second year to play on a varsity team and she is only a sophomore.  I’m so proud of her.  Several colleges will be visiting her campus next week and in a few weeks she is taking the PSAT.  She plans on having some kind of career in design.  I think she gets her artistic side from me!  She is superbly talented in anything artistic.
   Have a great week!  Please email or call me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

September 6, 2011

Dear Parents,

   I hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend!  Just a reminder… in your child’s take home folder you will find graded papers from last week.  Please sign the acknowledgement and return it in their folder tomorrow.  If you are not pleased with one of the grades you may have your child correct the paper and turn it in by this Friday and I will average the first grade with the new grade, if the original grade is below 70, for the final grade on the assignment (excluding spelling tests). 
   Over the weekend I spent time with my family.  We went to the lake for a few hours, cooked hamburgers on the grill, and watched a few movies together.  It was a fabulously relaxing time and great way to unwind.  I am one lucky girl to have such a great family!
   Please call or email me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price

August 29, 2011

Dear Parents,

   I hope you had a fantastic weekend!  In your child’s take home folder you will find graded papers from last week.  Please sign the acknowledgement and return it in their folder tomorrow.  If you are not pleased with one of the grades you may have your child correct the paper and turn it in by this Friday and I will average the first grade with the new grade for the final grade on that paper (excluding spelling tests).  I look forward to seeing you at Open House Thursday evening.
   On Saturday I spent the day watching my niece play in a volleyball tournament.  Her team didn’t win any games but I could tell they were doing their best.  She plays on a varsity team and they have five new teammates this year so they are still trying to find their groove.
   Have a terrific week!  Please call or email me if you need to discuss anything. 

Ms. Price