Reading and Writing

Current Week:

Reading: Identify various written conventions for using digital media; Describe techniques used to create media messages; Create a visual display or dramatization to convey the results of research

What we plan to read in class:
E-Newsletter, Article, Electronic Pen Pals, Blogging

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Not enough to eat, One part of our country, For hours

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write what is necessary for chosen research project; Grammar Focus: Review

Previous Weeks:

Reading: Use expository text to support research; Read and enjoy good books

What we plan to read in class:
Fanny, Fanny and Annabelle, Someday, Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets, Butterfly House

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Since the beginning, Children sat, Walked for miles

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: developing our research, revising and editing, writing responses to reading; Grammar Focus: subject/verb agreement in sentences

Reading: Use expository text to support research; this is our second week of this process

What we plan to read in class:
Read With a Question in Mind, Explore and Investigate

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Good things, I think so, Read the book

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: developing our research, revising and editing; Grammar Focus: Adverbs of time: before, next

Reading: Use expository text to support research; this will be a two-week process

What we plan to read in class:
Explore and Investigate, National Geographic Young Explorer, Use Questions as Tools for Learning, Read with a Question in Mind

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Help me out, It turned out well, It’s your place

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: generate a list of topics of class-wide interest and formulate open-ended questions about one or two of the topics; Grammar Focus: time order and transition words

Reading: Make inferences about text using textual evidence; Reading CBA

What we plan to read in class:
Dear Juno, Just Like Josh Gibson, A Birthday Basket for Tia, Dotty’s Art

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
You must be right, Tell the truth, Good and plenty

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write a response to fiction text; Grammar Focus: Review – apostrophes, prepositions, and subject/verb agreement

Reading: Retell important events in stories in logical order; Make inferences about text using textual evidence

What we plan to read in class:
Brementown Musicians, Little Red Robin, Brementown Rappers, Bad Dog Dodger!, Goldilocks and the Three Bullfrogs

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Home sweet home, Around the clock, Show and tell

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write a response to fiction text about setting; Grammar Focus: subject/verb agreement

Reading:Describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits, motivation and feelings

What we plan to read in class:
Best Friends, Horace and Morris – But Mostly Delores, Good Kicking, independent fiction reading

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
Right now, It’s a small world, Big and small

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write a response to fiction text; Grammar Focus: complete sentences with subject/verb agreement

Reading: Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding

What we plan to read in class:

Scarcity, Desert Home, Tadpoles to Frogs, Watch Me Grow, Prairie Dog Homes

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases
I'm an American, Such a mess, Point it out

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write a response to expository text; Grammar Focus: prepositions

Reading: Explain the author's purpose in writing the text. Identify the main idea and details in a text.

What we plan to read in class:
The White House, Animal Ears: Adaptations for Hearing, Brr! It’s Cold, and student choice

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Join the Party

Fry’s Phrases
Where in the world?, I study in school, We need more

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: revise drafts for expository writing: Research; Grammar Focus: apostrophes in  possessives

Reading: Identify the topic and explain the author's purpose in writing the text. Identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic.

What we plan to read in class:

Reading With Your Fingers, Animal Helpers, The Stage Coach Driver, Coretta Scott King, student choice

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem of the Week

Fry’s Phrases

The air is warm, Read my letters, It’s still here

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: plan a first draft for expository writing; Grammar Focus: apostrophes in contractions

Reading: Compare and contrast different genres including: fables, legends, myths, fairytales, poetry; Reading CBA

What we plan to read in class:

Reader’s Theater Fables and Fairytales

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem: My Darling Valentine

Fry’s Phrases

Give it away, Answer the phone, Turn the page

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: writing plays and poetry; Grammar Focus: REVIEW the six weeks grammar

Reading: Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry

What we plan to read in class:
Poetry Anthology

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poetry Anthology

Fry’s Phrases
Change your clothes, Play it again, Back off

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: writing plays and poetry; Grammar Focus: comparative/superlative adjectives

Reading: Identify the elements of dialogue and use them in informal plays

What we plan to read in class:

The Strongest One, Firefighting Teamwork, The Fairy Godmother’s Assistant, The Magic Brocade

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Reader’s Theater 

Fry’s Phrases

Kind of nice, Spell your name, The good American

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: writing plays, editing, publishing; Grammar Focus: commas with quotation marks

Reading: Compare myths with respect to characters, setting, plot and identify moral lessons

What we plan to read in class:

The Chipmunks Stripes, The Night the Moon Fell, The Monster in the Maze, Rainbow Crow Brings Fire to Earth, Coyote and the Stars

Fry’s Phrases
Move over, We found it here, Study and learn

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: narrative writing with revising; Grammar Focus: subject/verb agreement

Reading: Compare legends with respect to characters, setting, plot and identify moral lessons

What we plan to read in class:
Johnny Appleseed, The First Tortilla, The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The Legend of Papa Noel

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Shadow Shapes

Fry’s Phrases
Because we should, Even the animals, Try your best

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: narrative writing and writing fictional genres; Grammar Focus: adverbs that tell how

Reading: Compare fables with respect to characters, setting, plot and identify moral lessons

What we plan to read in class:
A Bell for Cat, The Grasshopper and the Ants, The Rabbit That Ran Away, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Birthday Money

Fry’s Phrases

A different land, They went here, Get to the point

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: narrative writing, sequencing ideas, write brief stories; Grammar Focus: articles – a, an, the

Reading: Recognize different purposes of media; Describe techniques used to create media messages. Identify various written conventions for using digital media.  Identify fact and opinion. READING CBA

Teddy’s Bear, Mary Anderson, Maya Angelou, various ads and circulars

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem: Christmas Poetry Books

Fry’s Phrases

Hand it over, Such a big house, The men asked for help

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: write persuasive statements about issues that are important to the student for the appropriate audience in the school, home, or local community; Grammar Focus: review all concepts for the six weeks

Reading: Recognize different purposes of media; Describe techniques used to create media messages.

What we plan to read in class:
Media We Read, Different Types of Media

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Rain and Snow

Fry’s Phrases

Where does it end, I don’t feel well, My home is large

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: focus on writing How-To’s or procedural text; Grammar Focus: adverbs

Reading: Describe the order of events or ideas in a text. Follow written multi-step directions.

What we plan to read in class:
From Seed to Pumpkin, How Do Apples Grow?, Amelia Bedelia’s First Apple Pie, Colorful Crayons, When Ruby Tried to Grow Candy

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  The Mayflower

Fry’s Phrases

Write one sentence, Set it up, Put it there

Writing: Writer’s Workshop: focus on writing How-To’s or procedural text Grammar Focus: time order transition words

Reading: Describe the order of events or ideas in a text.

What we plan to read in class:
Michael’s Golden Rules, Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt, Henry’s Freedom Box, Fa Mulan, A Packet of Seeds

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  The Proper Way to Eat

Fry’s Phrases
Form two lines, A small house also, Another old picture

Reading: Describe similarities and differences in the plots and settings of several works by the same author

What we plan to read in class:

For the Love of Autumn, The Lemonade Club, The Butterfly, Ginger and Petunia (Author: Patricia Polacco)
Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Seed to Pumpkin
Fry’s Phrases

We came home, We want to go, Show us around

Describe main characters in works of fiction – including their traits, motivations, and feelings

What we plan to read in class:
Prudence Proovit, Camilla the Cupcake Fairy, Pearl and Wagner, Rosa and Blanca, The Crow and the Pitcher, Anansi Goes Fishing

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Estimating Chicken Pox and 13 Nights of Halloween

Fry’s Phrases

Tell the truth, A little boy, The following day

Understand the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from the text to support understanding

What we plan to read in class:

Tops and Bottoms, Junkyard Wonders, Ollie the Elephant, Babushka’s Doll, Sagwa – the Chinese Siamese Cat

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

Fry’s Phrases

Right now, Mother means it, Same time tomorrow

Identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic                                                                                                                   

What we plan to read in class:
All About Continents, Atlas of the World, Life Cycle of a Pumpkin, Deep in the Swamp

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Living in the Country

Fry’s Phrases

I work too much, Any old time, Through the line

Identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic                                                                                                                   

What we plan to read in class:
Land and Water, Using Landform Maps, Atlas of the World

Shared Reading

Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Spiderwebs

Fry’s Phrases

Mother Says to now, Where are you?, I need help

Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension

What we plan to read in class:
The Best Book of Weather, Lu and the Swamp Ghost, Weather Changes, When Charlie McButton Lost Power

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Maybe

Fry’s Phrases
My last name, That’s very good, Think before you act

Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension

What we plan to read in class:
Dr. White, Grace for President, The Sandwich Swap, Wallace’s Lists, Bats and the Ballgame

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Bushy Tailed Mathematicians

Fry’s Phrases
Most of the animals, Our best things, Just the same

Use text features in age-appropriate reference works to locate information

What we plan to read in class:
Amazing Apples, The Little One, Endangered Sea Turtles, Seed-Sprout-Pumkin-Pie, The Life Cycles of a Koala

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  I’m a Scientist

Fry’s Phrases
Live and play, A good man, After the game

Establish a purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension

What we plan to read in class:
The Twin Club, Exploring Space with an Astronaut, The Strongest One, Scarcity

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Days Till Sam’s Birthday

Fry’s Phrases
It’s only me, I know why, Three years ago

Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community.

What we plan to read in class:
A Day at the Zoo, Owen, Sheila Rae the Brave, Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse, Walt Disney (biography)

Shared Reading
Reading with fluency -  Poem:  Chelsea Had Some Chocolate Milk

Fry’s Phrases
Take a little, Give it back, Only a little